‘HALLOUMI’ is registered as a Certification Trademark © in a number of countries in order to protect the heritage of this traditional product. In particular, ‘HALLOUMI’ is now registered as a Certification Mark in Cyprus, the United States of America, Jordan, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Syria and South Africa. The proprietor of the aforementioned Certified Trademarks is the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Cyprus.
‘HALLOUMI’ is also registered, since the 22nd of February, 1999, as Collective Trade Mark in the European Union (registration no. 001082965) (the “EU Collective Mark”) and the United Kingdom (registration no. UK00901082965), in the name of the Foundation for the Protection of the Traditional Cheese of Cyprus named Halloumi (the "Foundation"), whose President is the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Cyprus. The Halloumi Foundation operates the collective mark scheme, under which only members of the Halloumi Foundation are entitled to use the Collective Mark within the EU and the UK in relation to their products. The Halloumi Foundation has established a framework of quality controls and product specifications by issuing regulations governing the use of the Collective Mark (the "Halloumi Foundation's Regulations")
The Halloumi Foundation's Regulations prescribe certain conditions regarding composition, method and place of manufacture, which Halloumi Foundation members must meet in order to be entitled to use the Collective Mark. In particular, the Halloumi Foundation's Regulations prescribe that products marketed under the Collective Mark must be made in Cyprus and cannot be made wholly from cow's milk.